Monday, January 7, 2013

Joanne's Digital Photography Class 101

Did I make a New Year's Resolution?  Yes I fact I made several...but we shall save that for another day.  Today I want to share with you that I have agreed to teach another photography class at the local community center.  So, if you were lucky enough to receive a nice new camera over the holidays, or if you already have a nice "fancy" camera that you would love to know how to work, then this class is for you.  We will talk about what you need to know to create great photos, and how to get your camera off the auto mode and start controlling it yourself.  It's a six week course, from 6:30-8 every Thursday evening beginning this coming Thursday January 10th.  This is a hands on class, with individual practice on your part outside of class.  Like anything you want to get good at, you must practice.  There will be no extra material to read (just your own manual)...and I should warn you I teach by using examples...sometimes as they occur to me...not a hugely structured class...we all learn together as situations occur that make learning easy.  So if you live locally, please sign up for my class!  Here is the link.

Here are a couple of email comments I received after the last class, and in part are why I agreed to do it again.

Most of the time I had my camera set to manual and paid close attention to the meter. I never would have been able to do that before I took your class!!! I have learned a lot about photography with you....and still have a lot more to learn. The links you have sent and all the links connected with them will keep me busy studying photography for a long time to come!! I am so appreciative!!


I am the student with the new Nikon 1J1 and I don't think I can adjust my camera for Aperture, shutter speed and ISo from what I can tell from my manual. I think it is mostly automatic. I am going online for more info on that. So maybe I am in the wrong class. But I would like to continue, as I am learning good stuff

I too will get better with practice.  This is not a college level course or even a high school level course.  No grading will occur.  It's designed for the individual who simply wants to learn about what they can do with their fancy camera but hasn't had the desire to read the manual and would rather learn in a hands on way!

This is my second time teaching this class.  The first time around I told my readers here that I would cover the weekly material each week here on my blog...but that didn't although we are not talking about my New Year's Resolutions here today, one of them is to be true to my blog on a weekly basis, so this time around I will keep you all updated.  That's a New Years resolution promise!

Here are some sample photos from last falls class.  With each photo I have added the name of the person who took it, and info about it.  If you don't understand the info on the photo, then this class is for you!

Joanne Kingsley 1/1000 sec f/5 ISO 200 Shutter Priority
Francine Baltos  1/15 sec f/11  ISO 400 Shutter Priority

Theresa Brackett 1/125 sec f/4 ISO 250 Rule of Thirds
Carol Regan  Manual Mode  1/125 sec  f/8  ISO 100 Rule of Thirds 

Dorothy Lepage 1/320 sec f/9 ISO 250  Depth of Field
Maureen Regan  1/640 sec f/5.3  ISO 100

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