To do it all over again I would definitely grab some video too, to better tell the story...but that wasn't the whole point behind capturing this photo...I did accomplish what I set out to capture...and that is what I am sharing with you today. That old phrase, a picture is worth a thousand words...
Here are just a few of the one thousand words.
three locations, fierce sunshine, poison ivy, poop, rambunctious, love, patience, fluffy, ...
After this photo was first shared someone had the unmitigated gall (thank you to my friend Laura Jennings from UMaine who used those words in a sentence my freshman year in college and I had to look them up to know what they meant but I never ever forgot them and soon began using them myself :) ) anyways, yes the unmitigated gall to say " great photo too bad it's a composite"
COMPOSITE my ASS. Lesson here, don't ever make a statement like that unless you know something for a FACT!! I DO NOT MAKE COMPOSITES!
This photo took two hours to produce! It took a loving, kind, compassionate about animals friend laying on the ground behind the bench making sure no fluffy bums hit the ground. It took a breeder willing to trust us to make this photo without harm to any pups...and it took me over two hundred shutter clicks to get it! So yes, even though you can't believe a photo anymore because it can be manipulated to be just about anything you can imagine, let me be clear, this photo is truly 10 different English Cream golden retriever puppies sitting on a bench at the exact same "Minor Moment" in time! Please enjoy "the making of a photo"
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