Thursday, June 4, 2020

Class of 2020 Westbrook High Minor Moments Seniors

I'm going to make this post short and sweet!
I remember when I first started photographing High School seniors.
I remember feeling a bit awkward, wondering what they were thinking...were they nervous...were they excited...did they think it was lame...were they only doing it because their parents said they had to?

Probably all of the above.

One thing is true, no matter how times change...a high school senior photo is a special moment, some might say a "Minor Moment ;) , documented as a forever moment...and in my opinion, one to be cherished and celebrated!

There is no question the high school graduating class of 2020 is in a class of their own...and...every single year when I photograph these kids I am always left with a good feeling...that no matter how things change...there is still so much good in the world...these kids never fail to inspire my hope in the future...great kids...bright kids!

The first photo here is my Westbrook High Yearbook Ad.
The following photos are the beautiful banners our town is displaying for these kids and their families...cause as we all know...creativity...outside the box...special...never before...

I can go on and on...but I won't

Congratulations Devin, Deja, Derek, Lucas and Anthony, and thank you for being one of my 
Senior Moments of 2020!!


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