Friday, February 12, 2016

Inspiration. A Maine Photographer

Every year, for the past six years I have blogged on February 10.  I have blogged about my sister Carmen.  February 10th is her birthday.

Carmen died in December of 2009, after a long illness.  At that time I was just beginning my photography journey as a professional.  My work has grown so much in six years, that one thing I know with certainty is if I had asked Carmen to allow me to document her journey and bring awareness and knowledge to her struggles, I believe she would have embraced it.  I truly wish she was here today to share with me...her journey...and my journey.  She will always be an inspiration to me.

As I mentioned a few weeks ago, I was going to be posting some photos of people who have brought me inspiration this past year.  I have more to share, so I will continue to do so in the next few posts.  I started this particular blog series in preparation for a photography inspiration retreat I would be attending.  I attended Inspire last year and couldn't wait to do it again.

Inspiration can and does come in all forms.
Last year I met Vy.
She greeted me when I walked into the hotel for the Inspire convention.  A little welcoming committee all on her own.  She invited me to sit on the sofa with her and talk.  Vy is from Vietnam and her English is very good, and although my middle aged ears kept asking her to repeat she never seemed frustrated with me and always repeated whenever asked.  We became friends instantly, and touched base throughout the event.

Once home, Vy and I became facebook friends, and then I started to see a glimpse of her life as a whole, not just the young photographer I met.

Again, inspiration comes in all ways.

Vy is a young Wife.
Vy is a Mom to a very special little girl named Tamara who has SMA.
Vy has a facebook page Rolling with SMA to educate and share.
Vy started her photography business because she has to be a stay at home Mom.
Vy is always learning how to communicate in English, both spoken and written.
...and if all of this isn't inspiration enough...
Vy is a positive, smiling, energetic bundle of fun!
Vy is fearless!
Pardon my English Vy, but you are a badass!
You, are an inspiration.  :)

Vy and I just reconnected at Inspire 2016 this past week in Newport RI
Vy submitted her work to be critiqued by some amazing photographers.  In her words, she was in the "hot seat"
Vy is a badass...and an inspiration.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The Northern Cardinal long awaited arrival by this Maine Photographer

The northern cardinal.
I have waited two and a half years for a male cardinal to come visit my birdfeeder, which is strategically placed near one of my windows.
I hear him, many times...but he's never visited.
want to hear him?

My wait is over.
This male has been visiting for a couple of weeks now.
He usually visits alone, and stays awhile.
He doesn't seem to mind me.
He inspires me.
I love his visits and I love photographing him.
These photos all taken through a window, with my long lens (70-200) and a monopod.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Inspirational Countdown. A Maine Photographer

In 7 days I will attend Inspire.
I attended last year and blogged about it here.

Last year, to attend Inspire I borrowed money from my son's college fund, the same money I had taken out of my 401K just a few months earlier.  I was convinced that if I found inspiration my business would be busy enough for me to pay back the money I was borrowing.

I was inspired
Still am
...and a few weeks after attending Inspire I picked up a part-time-customer-service-completely-unrelated-to-photography-position so I could pay back the money I borrowed and take some of the creative pressure off my plate.

Yes, a year later and I am still working the part-time-customer-service-completely-unrelated-to-photography job...but it is because of that job that I am able to return to Inspire this year and surround myself with other creative professionals and get inspired!!

I thought it would be fun to share a 7 day countdown with you.

Random photos and moments this past year that brought me inspiration.

Last week I photographed a group of  ladies in my studio.  Private party, hair and makeup artist, some wine...some Rum Chada :) and a bit of a cross between glamour and boudoir.  We were all out of our comfort zone.  The ones in front of the lens...and even I...the one behind the lens.

Again, that is why I am going to Inspire.

So, every single one of those ladies was inspirational to me.

Each and every one.

I am not sharing those inspirational photos with you today.

My family.
Big inspiration.
My husband and my boys.
But for now, this is all I'm sharing for photos.
When I ask..."please...can you please come into my studio and let me test my lights out on you...pretty pretty please?"

I hope you will come back again tomorrow...I will be sharing inspiration right through the week!


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