Friday, December 6, 2013

December 6th. Year 20something. A Day of Love

December 6, 2009 my sister Carmen died.
She was 52 years old.
I will turn 52 years old before this year ends.
I know I am not ready to die.

I had two great Aunts who lived into their 90's.
They were sisters and lived together.  I believe between the two of them they had outlived four or five husbands.
There was a time where I thought that would be my sister and I.  Two ninety-something-year-old bitties sharing the remaining years of their lives together.

I had planned to write this post for some time now...with words of gratitude and reflection.

Everything changed this week.

Our community suffered a tragic loss.
A violent loss.
A young and promising life loss.
A beautiful family shattered with grief.
A community grieving together.

I cannot see through my own tears to write this.

Today we will begin our goodbyes to Matthew Rairdon.

Matt's senior portraits were one of the first I ever took.
I was more nervous than he was.
He sent me an email afterwards.  It simply said
"Thank you for taking my senior photos.  You are a very good photographer"

Oh Matthew, thank you so much for the vote of confidence.  I'm guessing you now know how much I needed to hear that :)


I will forever remember your smile!

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