Thursday, July 12, 2012

Fifty Shades Relaxed Unplugged A Maine Photographer

Here is my final blog post about camping least for last weeks trip.  Most of our time away we played on our new boat.  (not new...but new to us!)  We used to boat, back in our early married years...and I had gotten pretty good at setting anchor with a pregnant belly and one baby on board, but as soon as Josh came around I was too much of a Nervous Nelly to be out on a boat with two babies...I really didn't want anything to do with boating, and reluctantly we traded in our "Minor Priority I" for a purple mini van.  Now, fast forward about 15 years and we are now the proud owners of the "Minor Priority II"  It's both smaller and older than the original...but it still provides us with family time on the water.  Yes, I am still a Nervous Nelly.  I am blessed with a husband who believes in practicing safe boating and we hope to teach these great skills to both of our boys, who have obviously fallen in love with this summer pastime already.

I brought out my husbands point and shoot camera, (cause Nelly wasn't ready to bring her real camera one on board)...(hey...I guess Nelly is my subconscious, with the half moon glasses...) anyways, we were doing alot of bouncing and my aim wasn't always the best.  As you can see by the photos, the view was breathtaking, the lake as smooth as glass, and very quiet for a holiday weekday:)  The boys did a bunch of tubing, and Nick perfected dropping a water ski within a few tries...and proceeded to show off the rest of the week.

As far as fifty shades's my latest.  I've done a bit of research on Ana's ben wa balls.  Seems a person like myself could possibly benefit from owning a pair...I'm not against self-improvement.  This is what Wikipedia had to say

Ben Wa balls may also be used to simply increase the strength of the pelvic floor muscles...Similar to Kegel exercises, Ben Wa balls...are recommended by gynecologists and obstetricians to increase bladder control... Mild urinary incontinence, such as that which occurs while coughing, laughing, or sneezing and occurs more often as women grow older, can be treated with Ben Wa balls...

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