About a year ago my kids rented the movie
Yes Man with Jim Carrey.
Although extreme in typical Jim Carrey fashion, the message of the movie totally hit home with me.
When opportunity knocks, even if it's outside your comfort zone, say YES!
Again, the movie takes examples to the extremes, (particularly a bedroom scene which involves Carrey and a toothless old lady, and a bed)...that's a visual hard to shake...but beyond that...I must say pretty good food for thought.
So, I decided right after viewing that movie, that I would try and practice a bit of the YES Man philosophy.
Did I accept a few jobs out of my comfort zone? YES!
Did I do my best? YES!
Was my best good enough? YES! (not to all people...but to most...YES!)
So, what on earth am I getting at with this post?
When I was asked by a few folks at the Little League field if I was interested in photographing one or more of the tournaments being hosted by Westbrook...I said YES!
Am I doing the best I can...YES!
Did I bite off more than I could chew? YES!
Will I eventually have all four tournaments edited and posted in a timely fashion? YES!
Two out of four are complete, and I hope to finish up the other two in the next few days.
Enjoy the photos!
Will I do it again? ???!
If you would like to view a slide show, click on the All Stars above!
Will I do it again? ???!