Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The Northern Cardinal long awaited arrival by this Maine Photographer

The northern cardinal.
I have waited two and a half years for a male cardinal to come visit my birdfeeder, which is strategically placed near one of my windows.
I hear him, many times...but he's never visited.
want to hear him?

My wait is over.
This male has been visiting for a couple of weeks now.
He usually visits alone, and stays awhile.
He doesn't seem to mind me.
He inspires me.
I love his visits and I love photographing him.
These photos all taken through a window, with my long lens (70-200) and a monopod.

1 comment:

Jodi T. said...

I love the cardinal pictures Jo. There is one in our neighborhood this winter, but I have yet to see him.


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